Environmental documents of an enterprise

The record keeping system in the organization, regardless of whether it has established an environmental service or department, or whether this direction is outsourced, should provide accounting and storage of documents on environmental protection.

The main such document is an environmental passport. Its availability indicates that the company does not violate environmental regulations and ensures environmental safety, its activities do not harm the environment and the local population, the management is carried out competently.

In addition to the environmental passport, the list of mandatory documents in the environmental protection system includes:

  • Order on the creation of the environmental service or the appointment of an authorized person.
  • Regulations on the environmental protection department at the enterprise.
  • Acts of inspections by state supervisory bodies and documents on payment of fines, if any.
  • Statistic reports for the last 3 years.
  • Documents regulating the rules of use of natural resources.
  • Documentation (acts, protocols, etc.) on measures taken to protect the atmospheric air, water resources, disposal of production wastes.
  • Documentation reflecting the results of studies conducted in the field of environmental safety.