Environmental protection

Environmental protection – a set of measures (organizational, legal, economic, natural-science, industrial-technical) to limit the negative impact of economic and other activities on the environment, which is understood as both the natural environment and man-made objects created to meet his social needs (buildings, roads, engineering structures, etc.), as well as objects of natural and anthropogenic nature (gardens, forest belts, etc.).

Environmental protection is a nature protection and social function of the state and local governments.

Environmental protection is carried out by state and municipal bodies, public and political parties, participants of entrepreneurial activity, etc. in order to provide favorable environment, rational use and restoration of natural resources. Environmental protection activities are aimed to maintain such environmental quality which would provide sustainable functioning of natural ecological systems, natural and natural-anthropogenic objects.

Economic instruments used for environmental protection: tax incentives for enterprises applying advanced environmental protection technologies, economic and financial incentives for creation and introduction of modern ways and methods of treatment of emissions and discharges, waste processing, reduction of noise, various radiations harmful for people (see Environmental Pollution); introduction of economic sanctions for negative environmental impact; establishment of special environmental taxes in some countries; governmental funding of the State Environmental Protection Committee.

Environmental protection is regulated by the law. Nature protection norms are contained in constitutions, international treaties, legislative and sub-law acts, which are the sources of environmental, land, water, forest, urban development, administrative law and other law branches. The law stipulates criminal and administrative liability for violation of environmental legislation. It also provides for civil liability, which implies compensation for damage caused to the environment.